Open Houses and Other Events of Interest


Friday, September 24, 2010

Yes, Folks, it is definitely a Buyer's Market...

I've mentioned before that what people are seeing/hearing/reading about Real Estate from our major news sources is NOT necessarily what is happening HERE.  There are micro-climates that are easy to observe if you know what to look for, and each agent has a personal experience with the market where they reside, and with the understanding that statistics can be skewed to suit anyone's purpose, I declare loudly, WE ARE IN A BUYER'S MARKET!  Suddenly, we have more inventory.  Suddenly, loans are easier to get.  Suddenly, there are NICE and PRETTY houses on the market at an affordable price!  It's been true for a while that there wasn't much of a price spread between foreclosures, short sales, and regular sales, but NOW buyer's are finding some pretty good houses for minimal hassle and a good price.  My crystal ball is still in the shop, but even without it, I feel like we're in a good place to service our Buyers.  What are YOU waiting for?  Now is a FANTASTIC time to buy a house!
Who do you know that is looking for a home in San Jose, CA?  Would you share my name with them?

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